Photo and film cameras
sale of cameras (silver plate 9x12, 6x4.5, 6x6, 6x9 or 24x36) and cameras (8mm, Super8, VHS)
- Canon - Détective - Ensign - ICA - Ihagee - Kodak - Lumière - Rollei - Voigtländer - Welta - Zeiss Ikon
Detective type collector camera, around 1910
in good condition and well functioning, manufactured in France. High-quality finish with ..
€ 130.00
Ensign (UK) - Popular, bellows camera by 1910
in good shape and working fine. Film : 120 ou 122 de 8 ou 12 posesAvancement, armement : manuel..
€ 90.00
ICA Teddy 135 antique bellows camera of 1914
1914, in good condition and functioning properlyManufacturer: ICA (Internationale Camera Aktiengesel..
€ 110.00
Ihagee Exa II - 24x36 Reflex Camera of the 60s
In good condition and working wellManufacturer: Ihagee, Dresden, Germany Camera type: SLR (Sin..
€ 75.00
Kodak Brownie N° 2A camera - C model
1924-33, en bon état et fonctionne bien - Fabrication : USA Film : type 116, format 6.5x10..
€ 65.00
Kodak Baby Brownie Special of the 1950's, for handyman
This tiny medium format film box camera has been produced between 1939 and 1954 by Eastman Kodak Co...
€ 10.00
Kwinson MF-808 compact 24x36 camera
80s, in good condition and working well. Assembled in China with Japanese components Very compa..
€ 18.00
Lumière Lumirex Fidor
1941, in good condition and functioning properly Fabricant : Lumière, France Type d'appare..
€ 75.00
Welta - Collector bellows camera of 1932
In good shape and working fine Very compact, made in Germany by Welta Freital (Saxony) Fil..
€ 95.00
Mupi Muplex8, 8mm camera from the 70's
In good condition, but operation not checked and battery cover attachment to be repaired.Made in Ita..
€ 18.00