1914, in good condition and functioning properly
- Manufacturer: ICA (Internationale Camera Aktiengesellschaft), Dresden, Germany
- Camera type: leather bellows camera
- Film type and format: plate, 9x12 cm format
- Lens: ICA Hekla Double Anastigmat 1:6.8 f/13.5 cm
- Shutter: 1/25 s. to 1/500 s., B, T
- (B exposure (Bulb): the shutter remains open as long as the photographer presses the shutter release button)
- (T (Time) exposure: the shutter opens when the photographer presses the shutter-release button, then closes when the shutter is pressed a second time)
- Flexible shutter release socket next to the shutter release
- Diaphragm: reed diaphragm in the lens
- Max/min aperture: 6.8 - 36
- Min-max distance: 2.0 m - ∞
- Focusing: manual
Seller's label on side: Louis Stalder PHOTO-HALL Rues Basses Genève
Dimensions (closed) : 160 x 118 x 50 mm
Total weight : 0,900 Kg (including shipment packaging)
More info on : http://camerapedia.wikia.com/wiki/Ica
ICA Teddy 135 antique bellows camera of 1914
- Brand: ICA AG Dresden
- Product Code: Appareil photo
- Availability: 2
€ 110.00